I have some good Media McNuggets to share with you this week, so lets get started.
This game got me through the latest episode of the Real World/Road Rules challenge . If you can make it to where you're six points ahead of your opponent, there's a surprise in store for you (AKA, don't play at work).
9. 24 - Okay, I think we all agree that this season sucks. However, credit the show this week for bringing back a
character that we are actually somewhat invested in.
8. Ever feel the urge to send out a heart-warming personal letter? Me either...but should you desire to in the future, maybe
this letterhead would be nice.
7. I can't get enough stories about
stupid criminals.
6. 30 Rock. The show is really hitting its stride. I'm especially loving the C story of
Tracy Jordan playing Thomas Jefferson in a movie. Who knew that by the end of this TV season more people would be talking about 30 Rock then Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.
5. I don't know how I feel about this whole
Justin.tv project. When I go to the site though, I have to say it's fascinating. According to his schedule, he's seeing
Disturbia tonight. Maybe we can see it for free?
4. I love/hate
this site. Love it because it keeps me updated on all of the concerts happening around here (you can search for your city too). Hate it because I have a feeling I'm going to start spending too much money on concerts.
3. Okay, so not a media clip per se, but has anybody else tried
Coke Zero? If you like the taste of Coke and the dietary benefits of Diet Coke, then Coke Zero is the beverage for you. I'm sure in 20 years a study will be released that Coke Zero causes Cancer-ridden AIDS.
Moses Mayfield. I know I've talked about them before, but I finally got my CD this week. All I can say is go out and get the CD now! The music rocks, the songwriting is phenomenal and the production is top-rate for an unknown band. For some reason, they remind me a little of Vertical Horizon when they first came out.
And the number one Media McNugget of the week is...
Mat Kearney/
Rocco DeLucca and the Burden/
The Feeling. I saw them in concert on Monday and man was it great. The Feeling was okay (the bass player just kept running around everywhere), Rocco can play the hell out of a steel guitar (though his songs were a little inconsistent), and Mat Kearney was perfection. You could tell he was digging the crowd and the crowd was digging him. Hey, I was even a part of the show for 10 seconds!