...is my new personal hero.
I don't know how many of you have actually been in a Verizon store or called Verizon customer service lately, but let me tell you, they SUCK!
Let me try to briefly explain my experiences with Verizon in the past 8 months. First, when I moved into my house, we thought it would be nice to try Verizon high-speed Internet instead of the more costly Comcast Cable Internet. We did not want a house phone, because, well let's face it, Tracey and I live in the modern age and who really needs a house phone anymore? Apparently this concept is foreign to Verizon. Phone battles turned into wars and eventually after three months of their services, we decided they sucked so much that it was worth it to pay more money for Comcast's reliable service.
Then there was the debacle of last week. My incredible fiance decided to buy me a new cell phone. We arrived at the Verizon Wireless store at 7 p.m. We picked out and bought the phone by 7:20 p.m. Because the people who sell you your phone are not competent enough to do a phone book transfer, we had to wait at the customer service line. We wait, and wait, and wait. Finally we are called up and ask a question about switching our plans only to find out that we can't switch plans without paying a huge fee. So then we ask if we can just do the phone book transfer. The "chipper" sales associate informs us that we have to put our name in at the Tech Support line. Annoyed, we enter our name and see that it shouldn't be so bad, because we are the second name on the list. Then it gets ugly, literally.
We had to wait over an hour and a half, listening to a lady who kinda looked like this...
...yell and scream at the service people about all of her problems. Instead of letting the service people try to fix her problem, she just kept talking, and talking, and...talking! Finally, 9:20 p.m. rolled around and we left the store, phone book transfer complete, two hours and twenty minutes later.
The irony in this whole situation is that in the amount of time it took us to wait, I could have just done a phone book transfer on my own.
This story might not have sounded very drastic, but keep in mind that Tracey was hungry during this whole ordeal. Now do you feel my pain?
Momma says Verizon's the devil
Dude, she's sexy
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