Since everyone likes to replace the V in my name with a PH, and since phat became the best thing since sliced bread, I've decided to embrace the PH instead of fighting against it. So, I ask, why stop at phat? There are plenty of other words that could use a PH makeover...
1) Phine - as in, "You're so phine you blow my mind" or "You want me to do the dishes? Phine! I'll do the damn dishes!"
2) Phantastic! - as in, "I had some phantastic crab legs the other day."
3) Phart - as in, "Please don't phart on me ever again. That junk is nasty."
4) Phig Newtons - as in, "Damn these Phig Newtons are tasty!"
5) Phootball - as in, "I wish it was September so I could start watching phootball again."
6) Phree - as in, "That shirt was actually phree because I stole it."
7) Phenom - as in, "Some snakes can kill you with their phenom" (hey, if they can change Steven to Stephen, I can change venom to phenom.)
I hope these new words make it into your daily vocabulary. Pheel phree to add any that I may have left out.
Phucking awesome
If I can turn a glow-worm against glowing, I can turn "Pumpkin" into "Vumpkin." It doesn't work like that? Okay, phine.
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