Dirty Sexy Money - The pilot was great. Great acting, great premise and a great set-up for the rest of the season. The story goes something like this -- kooky family has lawyer, lawyer dies, lawyer has straight-and-narrow son who becomes lawyer for kooky family against his gut instinct. Interesting story lines ensue. CATCH.
And my favorites from last year picked up right where they left off. The Office was hilarious, as always and the staff of Gray's Anatomy's Seattle Grace has graduated to having interns of their own. Don't worry, they still have plenty of issues to sort out. Should be a good year of TV. Tracey can let you know the status of Gossip Girls and Desperate Housewives, if that's what you're into.
Need to start watching...Dexter.
Don't forget about Pushing Daisies!
And I can also give anyone the 411 on Prison Break as well. This season is almost topping the last.....already!
I thought they canceled Prison Break after season one, when they broke out of prison. Guess I was wrong.
I'm also watching the Cavemen premier, so maybe I shouldn't make fun?
We're big on the FOX shows (House and Prison Break) as well! We can't stay awake for anything that's on after 10:)
Showtime premiere Sunday was great. Brotherhood, one of the best shows I have ever seen, is living up to last season already. Dexter was phenomenal, his secret life is being exposed and providing exiting tv. Get Showtime it has a better lineup than HBO, with Weeds, Californication, Brotherhood and Dexter.
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