I never thought I'd say this, but I am officially boycotting
Best Buy due to their
crass handling of Heath Ledger's passing. Now, I am level-headed enough to know that this was most likely an incident concentrated at one Best Buy location posted by one soulless, tasteless, devilish assistant manager and not a company-wide initiative. However, until Best Buy publicly apologizes for their employee's behavior and sends him or her to the fiery pits of hell where they belong, I will refuse to shop there (unless they beat
Circuit City to the punch and get some Nintendo Wii's in stock...I mean, damn!)
It's another version of the "He died you win" game
for some reason I am not offended...the first thing I did when I found out Heath died was go to Target, looking for all of his movies I could scoop up and watch. Unfortunately Target's DVD section was a mess. So I went over to Best Buy. Not only did they have a whole Heath section to choose from, but they also gave me a bonus disc! On the bonus disc was a hilarious cartoon entitled "Cat's Day at the Zoo," which was about a silly little cat that gets lost in a zoo. I laughed. Because of Heath Ledger's unfortunate death, I laughed...at a cat.
Wait, is that a real story?
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