Thursday, July 19, 2007

Emmy's same old craptacular song and dance

It's the end of July, which can only mean one thing - The Emmy's announce their predictably boring list of nominees. Not that I disagree with them all, but it really is the same old list again and again with some minor rearranging of names and the inevitable addition of a useless category (this year's winner is "Special Class Program" whose standout nominee is Prince's Superbowl Halftime Show.)

I'll start out with a list of what the Emmy's got right this year...

- All of the Planet Earth nominations were deserved, especially for Cinematography (Tracey paid me to say that.)

- 30 Rock and the Office being nominated for outstanding comedy series, despite the lack of viewers. Also kudos to Tina Fey, Alec Baldwin, Rainn Wilson, Steve Carell, and Jenna Fischer for their acting nods. I even see that Fey was nominated for writing, which in my opinion, is the strongest part of the show.

- South Park's "Make Love, Not Warcraft" episode being recognized. It was definitely one of the best episodes of the season, if not the series.

- Resisting the urge to nominate the entire cast of Desperate Housewives in the best actress in a comedy series.

And now for what the academy failed to get right, again (and again...and again)

- I am dumbfounded that for a second year in a row Lost is not nominated for best drama. I'll admit that the beginning six episodes of this season were lackluster, but boy did the series get back on track and deliver hands down the best season finale this year. Is Boston Legal really better than Lost? I think no.

- The same list of lead actresses. Someone should do a study on how many times Mariska Hargitay, Patricia Arquette and Edie Falco have appeared as nominees simply because there aren't enough good roles for women on TV. Pick someone else, ANYONE else. I would have even settled for nominating Anna Nicole Smith for the drama that surrounded her death.

- Why must you nominate the entire cast of Grey's Anatomy in the supporting actress category? This wasn't even their best year. Pick the best one and leave spots for other shows. What about Hayden Panettiere? Her story line on Heroes saved the show in my opinion. Are there no good supporting actresses on ER? etc...

- I'm sorry Jack Bauer, you weren't the best actor this year and everyone knows it. Matthew Fox sure was good on Lost. They must have lost his tape.

- Why so much love for Dancing with the Stars? Doesn't anyone realize that it's the worst show? At least So You Think You Can Dance teaches the audience about dance and entertains us with different styles. Next year look for Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader to top this category. Ugh.

I could go on and on. Basically what I am saying is that Lost was awesome this year and the Emmys are still boring. Yawn.


Cindylover1969 said...

TESTIFY with the actress Emmy complaints. There should be more John "I won four times in a row, I think I'll take myself out of contention and let someone else have a chance" Larroquettes and less Edie Falcos... and as for supporting, I would have gladly sacrificed one or all of the Grey's Anatomy mob to fit in Hayden (imagine if they'd nominated Ali Larter instead... shudder). Thank goodness this is the last time they'll automatically vote for Falco.

TraySeaDS4 said...

YAY for Meerkat Manor, Caught in the Moment and Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom on Animal Planet for their Emmy nominations!

And you're right....Lost was KICK ASS this year - sucks they weren't noticed....

S.S. said...

I also saw that The Class was nominated for Art Direction. At least SOMEONE was watching the show... :)