Friday, March 30, 2007

10 Piece Media McNuggets

I've altered my favorite things topic a tad and molded it into a new 10 Piece Media McNuggets roundup. Each week I'll try to post a new list of my top ten media moments of the week.

10. Another online fart video - what makes this funny is the encouraging adult behind the camera.

9. Pete's Junk - though nothing is posted, the excitement alone of seeing Pete's junk keeps me coming back.

8. Another Pete...Pete Yorn's blog. I saw his show a week ago at the 9:30 Club and I like his music more and more with each show I attend.

7. This website that allows viewers to save their favorite show from being canceled. If you don't know what to save, save The Class because it's funny and a good way to start off the workweek.

6. This George Lange photo slideshow. Tracey might enjoy something about halfway through.

5. Lost. Simply put, this show is back on track after a shaky start to season 3.

4. This week's South Park episode entitle "Snuke" - Check this site for repeats. They do a very nice 24 parody.

3. The Blades of Glory website - check out that peacock glove and view the trailer while you're at it

2. Discovery's Planet Earth - maybe it's because I have a new HDTV, but this show kept me glued to the TV all episode long. Who knew octopuses were so fascinating?

And my favorite Media McNugget this week...

1. A father's homecoming surprise to his son shown on the Today show. Even I got teary-eyed. You'll have to sit through an advertisement before the video starts.

My least favorite? Sanjaya's hair and the media coverage it's receiving. Aren't we fighting a war or something?


TraySeaDS4 said...

Ahh Channing Tatum. Wasn't he the star of "Step Up?"

S.S. said...

Someone I know worked on that movie. Hmmm, I'll have to look at the credits under Production Assistants to remember who it is.