Wednesday, April 4, 2007

10 Piece Media McNuggets

It's time again for another 10 Piece Media McNuggets roundup. This week's batch is a doozy. Hope you enjoy.

10. This story is just insane. Even if he was just kidding, it's still the most disturbing joke I've heard in a very long time.

9. A respected artist taking on "My Humps?" I don't quite know how to feel about that.

8. Let the blogging revolution begin. Christoff has joined the fray.

7. This is when you know it's a slow news week.

6. Oh how I miss required reading. I learned quite a bit from reading the Cliff's Notes version of Invisible Man.

5. This video was really making me laugh up until the disturbing ending.

4. I really enjoyed reading this list of the definitive 200 albums. While I certainly don't agree with all of the picks, I do have to say I'm happy to see the Dixie Chicks on the list three times (and I have a feeling this list was decided upon after the release/success of Taking the Long Way, the Chicks best album of all).

3. At some point, you have to just feel sorry for this guy

2. The Office. Okay, it wasn't the greatest episode of them all, but at least it's back with new episodes.

And my top pick of the week is...

1. Come Early Morning, starring Ashley Judd. It's a shame small, understated movies like this don't get the recognition they deserve. Look for Judd's next movie, Bug, this May.

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