Thursday, April 19, 2007

The world is right again

I've been trying very hard not to talk about Idol because 1) I'm ashamed that it consumes my life so much and 2) everyone else has talked ad nauseam about every aspect of the show, but I just couldn't resist today.

THANK GOD (!) Sanjaya is finally off of that freaking show. I have to admit that I secretly wanted him to win so I would have an excuse not to watch next year. There's often an inner battle inside of me brewing as to why I watch a show that aggravates me so much. I could probably go back to school and write a thesis on why I hate American Idol so much, yet, just like the rest of America, I keep watching. Why is this show so addicting? Is it really a good tragicomedy or am I afraid that by not watching, I'll be missing out in some way? Who knows.

I'm just glad I'll no longer have to see this:

or this


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